Unsinkable's Emily Noren

Dylan, Amy, and Lance are joined this week by author and 2015 Float Conference speaker, Emily Noren. Emily talks about what it was like growing up with an eating disorder, what her long recovery process through floating looked like, and how she hopes floating and float research with revolutionize eating disorder recovery. The gang discusses the issue of how to respond when a client asks for a “prescription” of how often they should float. They also tackle the topic of responsible advertising in floating. With a strong movement in the industry to avoid the “sex sells” trap, where does a float center owner start? We’ve got the latest details for you on our Industry Roundtable Discussion coming up on October 19th where we will be discussing the topic of memberships. Join us to swap ideas, share experiences, and build that momentum and excitement that comes from community support!   Lance has been working on revamping the Float Shack’s float programs for artists and ambassadors. He also talks about the ideal frequency to be posting on social media and why you shouldn’t be worried about bombarding users. Are you also missing the Fibromyalgia Float Project?! Amy and Mark, particularly missing how the FFP offered opportunities for open communication with the medical community, are creating a Float for Health program with goal of educating and opening doors with the medical community again. We know that Facebook Live videos get seen by a lot of eyes. Amy talks about how she’s making each video purposeful, both live and pre-recorded, with the intention of acquiring email addresses while offering education. Lance details the items he’s purchased to up the lighting and visual quality of his live videos so that, even when it’s live, it can still look sharp. Dylan is just back from hauling his new Tranquility float tank up the stairs of the Float Shoppe. He shares the emotions that hit him seeing the old Tranquility, the center’s first float tank, being carried out the doors. Show Links Floataway – Show Sponsor Float Conference – Show Sponsor Consulting information with Dylan Flotation Therapy Weekly Unsinkable by Emily Noren Unsinkable (Amazon Affiliate link)    

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