Time Management with Business Coach John Mackenzie

Welcome back for part two of our interview with John MacKenzie, founder of The Business Training Hub and business coach for The Float Shack and Float Nashville. The focus of today’s episode is one the most challenging aspects of entrepreneurship and running a business, time management. John has never had a client who hasn’t struggled with time management, so, if this is an area you’re working on, you’re not alone! With over 100 things to do and so many loose ends to tie up, where do you begin? John talks about prioritization and how to decide what task comes first. He also describes a strategy called time-blocking that brings a visual component to analyzing how time is allocated. But once the lists are made, how do you hold yourself accountable? John talks about why everyone should have an accountability partner. Another way to help ourselves get things to done is to understand how our brain works. John explains why color-coding tasks allows them to be stored in our long-term memory, helping us remember them more frequently. Finally, John shares his keys to effective time management. Show Links Floataway – Show Sponsor FloatHelm – Show Sponsor Consulting information with Dylan The Business Training Hub

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