171: This Episode Expires in 3 Days (Gift Card Expirations)

171: This Episode Expires in 3 Days (Gift Card Expirations)

Drew approached the crew with a simple question… “To expire, or not expire?” Little did he know, he was opening a can of worms that - once opened - could never really be answered, at least not with a straightforward yes or no, at least. You’ll hear why Gloria and Kim are sticklers about protecting member deals and the value of their regular price, and why Dylan considers the impact of the expiration on potential memberships.

Drew shares his experience of offers several small sales one year, and then none the next year. Yes, it all weaves in, out, and around whether or not you should put an expiration date on gift certificates, memberships, and packages. The team highlights the legal ramifications and accounting impact of expirations and promotions, and by the time it’s all over, you’ll have quite a few questions to ponder before adding expiration dates to your own float options.