Dylan announces a new addition coming to the Float Shoppe and how he and Sandra are once again planning for construction and soundproofing. Dylan, Lance, and Amy each share how they began to educate and organize themselves in the early stages of planning their float centers, from solidifying a vision to learning about health regulations. With health regulations being so different in each of their cities, they discuss the pros and cons of each.
Links: Floataway Float Tanks - www.floataway.com (Podcast Sponsor) Canadian Floating Collective - www.canadianfloatcollective.com Dr. Oz video link - www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKgEulVTtFM Floating for 111 days (Facebook page) - www.facebook.com/111daysoffloating/timeline sensoryunderload.com Emily’s Noren’s book and Float Conference speech - emilykatenoren.com I-Sopod Float Tanks - www.i-sopod.com Designing with Google Sketchup - www.sketchup.com