That Post Float Float Conference Glow

Are you feeling the post-float conference glow?! Us too. Our hearts filled with the love from your hugs and conversations, our emotional batteries recharged with inspiration, we flip back through scribbled-on pages of our blue notebooks to reflect upon our most treasured moments and invaluable takeaways from the 2016 float conference. One of the recurring topics throughout the conference, both in speeches and at the roundtable discussion, was marketing and advertising. How to provide education to our communities and, hopefully, keep our tanks full! Our hosts discuss their takeaways in terms of morality in relation to marketing, budgeting for marketing, and marketing strategies. And how about the unveiled innovations in float technology?! Float tank manufacturers and engineers involved with research are revolutionizing the way we float and the knowledge we have about what happens while we float. Among all the enthusiasm, the conference wasn't without controversy. The proposal to move forward from floating's past connection to psychedelics and John Lilly for the sake of acceptance in the medical field collided with the hope of Rick Doblin and others that psychedelics and float tanks will someday be provided under the same healing roof. Our hosts debate which direction we need to be moving toward to get the masses interested in floating. This is just the tip of the iceberg! We’ll be talking about the speeches, themes, and ideas from the conference for weeks to come!  

Floataway – Show Sponsor Float Conference – Show Sponsor Consulting information with Dylan Create a Mini-Research Study and Market the Results! Canadian Float Collective The Float Tank Cure

Contact if interested in purchasing The Float Shoppe’s Floataway Tranquility tank or to provide feedback and critiques about the center!

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