Soul of the Industry Part 2

The second half of the Soul of the Industry recording is reeled out in this week’s episode, where discussions get more in-depth. Some folks share stories of co-advertising with neighboring float centers and ideas on how to bolster collaboration between float centers. Things get deep when they begin to explore implications of involving health insurance companies with floating. Tales of success pepper the spread of reasons not to go down this route. If you feel strongly either way, or even if you’re on fence about pairing health insurance with floating, there’s some really interesting perspectives that deserve an attentive ear(or two.) At the tail end, another controversial, yet popular, topic arises - the coupling of floating and cannabis. Things are moving at that familiar slower-than-expected pace with the second float center ‘round Nashville, TN. Permits aren’t quite submitted for, and choosing a contractor is still on Amy’s to-do list. She talks about what it was like to interview three very different candidates and how this process has helped her consider what qualities could have hidden benefits, or have the potential to piss her off! One good thing about this process being slow as molasses… getting to know the neighbors! Summertime’s beginning to wrap up, and Dylan gushes a bit about the baby girl’s first sunset at the beach. The Float Shoppe got some improvements over the week. An ethernet connection became a little loose on a tank’s control panel and caused some issues that a little attentive rewiring resolved. The Tranquility tank has had it’s springs installed - another process that took more time and effort than anticipated. Staff and volunteers helping out with the install had a good time doing so, and it ended up being a good reminder for Dylan to let go of some anxiety.   Show Links Float Helm – Show Sponsor California Float Concepts – Show Sponsor Floataway – Show Sponsor Pro Float Products Patreon Float Collective Facebook Group