Shoshana Leibner Interview

In addition to running Float Dreams, a consulting company for float center operators, Shoshana is deeply involved with crucial issues and important research happening right now in the industry. The daughter of Glenn and Lee Perry, the creators of the Samadhi float tank, Shoshana has been floating and working in the industry since she was a teenager. Now, her work focuses on ensuring that the industry keeps moving in the right direction. Shoshana spearheaded the magnesium research that’s currently being conducted at the Laureate Institute for Brain Research (LIBR). Are we really absorbing magnesium in the float tank?! Shoshana shares how the research is going and when we can expect to have results! Another critical issue in the industry right now is the potential development of NSF certifications for float tanks. Shoshana lets us in on what’s been happening at the meetings and how she feels such certification requirements could impact our industry. For anyone interested in being involved, Shoshana has that info for you, including how to join the efforts of the Float Tank Association (FTA). [gallery ids="|mobile float tank,|mobile float tank,|mobile float tank"] Show Links Floataway - Show Sponsor Float Conference - Show Sponsor The Book of Floating by Michael Hutchison Float Tank Association Float Dreams

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