Rise Gathering Review

Rise Gathering Review

Dylan and Amy are back from Rise: A Float Gathering and reflect on their experience, their feedback on the gathering, and what they see for the future of Rise. With so many powerful and impactful speeches, from Stephen Johnson to Lee Perry, Dylan and Amy talk about the big takeaways from each and the hot topics that came up for discussion. A big theme throughout the conference was the float experience itself and how we can best facilitate that experience for our clients so that it’s more than just a business transaction. Dylan and Amy also share feedback and critiques heard from others for the next Rise! When Amy wasn’t rehearsing her speech for Rise, she was preparing her center for she and Mark being gone. She and the gang discuss how they prepare their float centers and staff when they need to go out of town. Lance and Matt are beginning planning for how they’re going to work around the construction that’s planned near The Float Shack, which is looking like it will impact not just sound and vibration but also customer parking and water supply. They’re reaching out to the city and their insurance for options. Dylan talks about how he’s starting to feel the “rust” and age on the Float Shoppe, perhaps due to newer centers popping up in town, and the attention he’s planning to give to updates and upgrades.  

Show Links Floataway – Show Sponsor FloatHelm – Show Sponsor Consulting information with Dylan Rise – A Float Gathering

Richard Bonk - @FloatGuruBonk, rbonk@usiwireless.com


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