184: Reopening

Depending on where you are in the country, your float center might be looking at opening up soon. In fact, Indiana is starting to reopen, so Kim and Gloria are gearing up, and Drew isn’t far behind. The crew checks in on the emotional roller coaster of it all, including the 4 locations + a full-time corporate gig life for Glo-Mo. (Who’s a control freak? No one on this podcast….)

Using the newly released FTA guidance, everyone chips in on what they’re doing that aligns - or doesn’t (but mostly does). And just a friendly reminder that we’re each sharing our personal experiences and approaches for our own individual approaches. Some could call it entertainment, some may say it’s ATOF guidance, but we’re just sharing ideas so you can create the best plan of action for your center. This episode dives into wearing masks, asking clients to sign waivers, taking temperatures, using video for orientation, using the parking lot as a waiting room, asking for sneeze confessions, and some tools some of us are implementing. Get ready. It’s a lot to wade through, because, well, reopening your center is a lot to wade through right now too.

Wherever you are in your reopening journey, be safe. Be smart. Take care of yourself, and take care of your people.

Small Business Solutions Facebook Group
FTA COVID-19 guidelines
UV lamps
Step n Pull
UV pod
EPA-approved cleaners

Float Helm