Maintaining Float Tank Water

Today I would like to take you on an overview of our water maintenance routine. I've also included a spreadsheet so that you can download and use it yourself to keep track of readings for your business.

Please note that this is the system we use, but it can be modified to fit your own needs based on tank usage and preference. Also note that we use H²O² (Hydrogen Peroxide) and not Bromine, Chlorine or Ozone which we believe not to be as safe on the body as H²O². Because of regulations in your city/state, you may need to use these. This video only covers the use of H²O².

We have regularly scheduled times throughout the week to take different readings in our float tanks. The readings we take are:


  • Specific Gravity (the salt to water ratio in our water)
  • H²O² (Hydrogen Peroxide parts per million in our water) (2x a day)
  • Water Temperature

Twice per week

  • pH
  • Alkalinity

Optional for Your Business

  • Water Height
  • Room Temperature

Specific Gravity

While specify gravity is rarely going to change on a day-to-day basis, it’s a very simple process to measure and since the amount of salt is in your water is pivotal to the business, we check it daily.


Perhaps the most important part of float tank maintenance is keeping the water medically safe. If the parts per million of H²O² falls below zero, bacteria can grow. If those levels fall to zero overnight, you may there is a strong odor coming from the water the next morning. It can take over a gallon of H²O² to reboot your water. To avoid this, make sure that you always have appropriate amounts of H²O² in your water. We test this in the morning and at night.

We use QuantoFix test strips in the morning and night. We purchase our H²O² from Pure Health Discounts.

Water Temperature

This might seem a little odd as there is a temperature readout hooked up to every float tank I’ve ever heard of, but believe me this is a good idea for two reasons. First, your tanks readout may slowly become more and more inaccurate and may need re-adjustment or calibration. Secondly, your sensor could fall out or your temperature gauge could go so wildly off track that your water stops heating or heats to scalding hot temperatures (we came in once to the latter and had to make emergency runs to the store getting bags of ice. We were able to drop the temperature in time for our first float of the day!). We use a Stem Thermometer for quick and easy checks in the morning.

pH and Alkalinity

pH and Alkalinity are important to make sure your water is safe for people to float in and to make sure there is no discoloration of your water. These levels tend not to drastically change daily, so measure them two times a week just to make sure they are within safe limits.

Water Height

Simply making sure you are offering consistent water levels is important.

Room Temperature

If you would like to make sure you have a consistent room temperature, I would recommend checking it every day.

After we take our readings, we re-enter them into Helm, a float center service offered by Float On.

You can download a PDF version of our water data tracking sheet as well as an editable word file so that you can add tank names, add different measurements, etc.

TankNumbersNotesheet_pdfTank Number sNotesheet word