Sandra Calm joins as co-host this week to discuss what we learned at the Float Conference from Dr. Justin Feinstein and Dr. Pan Lin about recent findings in float research. If there was any part of those speeches that went over your head, fear not! Sandra is here to break down for us how the research they discussed is designed, what we learned from the results about how floating impacts the brain, and why we have reason to be excited! Sandra has been a Registered Nurse since 2008 and has served as adjunct faculty for nursing students. Her work has focused a great deal on the veteran population, and she also worked as a bedside nurse in cardiology before dedicating herself full-time to co-founding the Float Shoppe.
Lance, inspired by Dr. Feinstein's assertion at the conference that serenity starts to set in 30 minutes after leaving the tank, is aiming to encourage floaters to stay and enjoy the space at the Float Shack for at least 30 minutes following their float. A new bar with stools for writers and artists, and a revamped, more customer-friendly beverage station...serenity now!
Amy, back from vacation, answers some questions from listeners about the tennis ball hack she discussed up last week and also about handling donation requests from charities. When someone reaches out for a donation, here are some valuable questions to ask to ensure that the organization is reputable and that you know where the donation is going.
Sandra will be 32 weeks pregnant by the airing of this episode! She shares how time in the tank has impacted her body, her mobility, and her sleep during this time.
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Justin Feinstein - Float Conference 2016
For email updates from Dr. Justin Feinstein
Kyle Simmons study: Hypotheses for the EPIC model of active interoceptive inference
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