Happy Holidays from The Art of Floating!

http://youtu.be/pyxl5pmBYZ0 While we are taking a little break over the holidays, we thought we would take a minute to wish everyone a happy holiday, and also introduce the other two people who make the Art of Floating exist. [caption id="attachment_448" align="alignleft" width="163"]1531781_10152177609580746_155070398_o Brian looking for inspiration for his upcoming tiny home[/caption] Brian is everything behind the scenes. He is my editor, film and sound guy, idea organizer, IT guy.. basically he does everything except actually write the blog and stand in front of the camera. He has become a dear friend and business partner. If we go a week without seeing each other, we both feel like something is missing from our lives.             [caption id="attachment_447" align="alignleft" width="210"]75578_10151520330355746_1973868227_n Sandra where she is happiest, outdoors[/caption] Sandra is my love, and my partner in life and business. She says during the video that she enjoys watching the Art of Floating develop from the sidelines, but make no mistake, when it comes to the Float Shoppe she is my other half. We would not be here today if it where not for each other, and this blog surely would not exist without her constant support.