Float Conference Review: Veterans

The post-float conference glow is holding strong, and there's still much to cover! Our hosts reflect on what we learned about veterans, PTSD, and floating from the conference, beginning with Michael and Bek's profoundly inspiring account of battling PSTD, reaching out for alternative therapies, and finding relief through floating. Gary from Pathway for Veterans gave us the tools and empowered us to reach out to veterans in our communities. We're also playing your Speakpipes about your favorite moments and takeaways from the conference. Thank you for contributing your experience to our discussion! In inviting sufferers of PTSD into our float centers, we of course want to first be prepared with adequate information and tools so that we can guide them toward a safe, healing float experience. Our hosts discuss what organizations we can reach out to for resources in developing a program for clients with PTSD. Lance shares how the Float Shack is participating in a campaign with Wounded Warriors to increase awareness and help those with PTSD experience floating. Amy shares how, with a fire lit underneath her following the Conference, she has begun cold calling and reaching out to other healthcare providers and organizations in her community that offer services that could also benefit floaters. She’s finding that, although initially intimidating, those calls provide an opportunity for educating about floating and, possibly, developing a partnership or teaming up in some other way.   Show Links Floataway – Show Sponsor Float Conference – Show Sponsor Consulting information with Dylan Canadian Float Collective Flotation Therapy Weekly Float Nation (Documentary) Unsinkable by Emily Noren Float Facilitators on Facebook  

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