We’re back with the final installment of our three-part interview with John MacKenzie, founder of The Business Training Hub and business coach for The Float Shack and Float Nashville. In this episode, John dives into DiSC, a personality assessment that serves as a guide on how to understand and effectively communicate with different personalities.
John describes how the DiSC assessment works and how having an understanding of the personalities of your coworkers and partners can help you understand what motivates them, how they think, and how they like to communicate. John describes the alignment he does with new clients, a series of assessments to get them thinking about themselves, their business, and their goals. For partnerships, he does a DiSC Comparison Report which takes the two personalities and analyzes potential roadblocks and potential benefits of working together.
Lance shares how DiSC has improved the communication between he and his partner, Matt, and how it has allowed them to better utilize all of their unique skills. Amy talks about how being in business with someone you care about can strain a relationship and how understanding how best to communicate with each other can save both the business and the relationship.
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Floataway – Show Sponsor
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Consulting information with Dylan
The Business Training Hub
Sample DiSC Work of Leader Profile
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