Create a Mini-Research Study and Market the Results!

While the float conference was chock full of exciting presentations, one in particular stood out to me for empowered float centers that were already open and running. Not only did the talk by Dr. Robert Schreyer give inspiration for float centers to perform small unofficial research projects, but he also encouraged us to use that knowledge as a marketing tool for our own businesses. We all hear about the various benefits of floating from our clients. We start to see themes occurring and benefits that correlate with particular clients that come to our float centers. Sufferers of back pain are finding relief. People undergoing chemotherapy come out of the tank with more energy. Insomniacs are finally getting a full nights rest. The idea proposed by Dr. Robert Schreyer is that we take these themes of healing and base a research study off of it. The premise as I interpreted it is like this: Take any benefit you believe floating gives you or your clients Acquire a collection of before and after feedback forms from clients Organize data Present findings served with side of crème brulee There are a few basic rules that you will want to follow when creating your own unofficial study: 1. Do not edit your findings (If someone reports data that goes against the grain or your perceived outcome/hypothesis, you have to keep it!) 2. Do not pick and choose your test subjects. Get everyone that meets your criteria. 3. It is probabky a good idea to get a signature from them saying they agree to participate in your study and that their information and findings can be published. The first research project I want to do is an incredibly simple pain scale measurement. I want people to look at a classic 1-10 pain chart and mark their pain levels before a float and then do the same immediately following a float. It's incredibly basic, but will immediately bring to light the impact that floating can have on pain levels. With this information you could even have some extra fun by seeing how pain levels change for people who come in with a pain level of 9 and those who come in with a 5. Do people tend to drop 3 points no matter what pain level they walk in with or is there a more drastic drop for those who have a higher pain level? I'm excited to find out! What's great is that you can immediately take your findings and put them on your websites, brochures and use the data gained in conversations with potential (and existing) clients. What other types of mini-studies do you think would work for float centers? I'd love for people to share their ideas here!