253: Wearing all the Hats with Kelly Caldwell

253: Wearing all the Hats with Kelly Caldwell

We’ve said it before, and our guest on this episode proves it’s true - float center owners are a special breed. Sure, we could just own one business and run it, but why do that when we can run MULTIPLE businesses?!

Kelly Caldwell, who owns Drift Float Spa in Greenville, SC, joins Kim and Drew in this episode to talk about wearing all the hats, including providing consulting services and selling float pods!

You’ll hear all the details about Float Spa pods that drain and filter 100% of the solution after each guest, as well as some unique features like aromatherapy, but you’ll also hear how Kelly offers SIX services at her center. She also dives into some hiring strategies, including her theory on asking why you might want to ask potential new employees if it bothers them to hear people chewing, why it’s a good idea to delegate and outsource some of your work, and how to grow your team so you don’t have to be the one to do it all. (And of course, that might lead to you starting another side venture like she has!)

Kelly will also have a sponsor table at the Float Conference in Portland, Maine this August, so be sure to stop by and say hello!

Drift Greenville - Start a Float Spa
I-Sopod Float Tank
Mindfull Solutions
Art of the Float Store